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See what readers have said about our books.

Gary K. 

Hope and Me is an inspirational message that empowers young children to embrace courage and kindness, much like Ana and her loyal companion, Bentley, as they embark on magical journeys together.  This heartwarming tale, symbolized by a guiding dove of hope, is certain to ignite young minds with inspiration and delight. 

En Espanol

He sido guionista y escritor por muchos anos y he visto much libros para ninos, pero este en particilar resalta los valores familiares, la fe y sobre todo los suenos de los ninos y la magia de creer en ellos.  Es excelente


Ich bin seit vielen Jahren Drehbuchautorin und Autorin und habe viele Kinderbucher gesehen, aber dieses hier beleuchtet insbesondere die Familienwerte, den Glauben und vor a vallem die Traume von Kindern un die Magie, an sie zue glauben.  Es ist exzellent.

Ricardo G. 

I have been a screenwriter and author for many years.  I have read many children's books but this one stands out because it  reminds us of family values, faith, but most of important, the children's dreams and the magic of believing.  It's just excellent. 

Copyright 2023-2024 Ana M. Silva, Author

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